I find this ad to be cheesy in all honesty. I believe the target audience is teenagers and young adults, seeing as the phones are making a, "rock out" sign. I believe that the literal message is to express your musical side via creating a phone structure that expresses such. Yet, the intended and metaphorical meaning is suggesting that the consumer listen to music on Samsung's new music phones. It puts emphasis on the need for the phones in order to express oneself through the large variety, giving the illusion of decision and choice. It is emphasized by the bright colors of the phones and the sly, quick text of the ad.
I loved this ad the moment that I saw it, and believe me it caught my eye. The target audience is most certainly fans of Star Wars ranging over all ages. Literally, you notice that a man is frustrated due to the broken ipod that he apparently dropped. At closer glance, the true meaning provokes thought, thought that leads to star wars; a completely positive subject for it's fans. Relating Star Wars and the iPod is a perfect strategy for drawing in a wide fan base. This ad was obviously designed to immediately grab the eye, have a comical moment, an then fixate about the iPod - just as Darth Vader is.
This ad is genius in my opinion. It targets a broad audience including, teenage boys, men, animal activist, and so forth. It literally is saying that the girl is being shackled, beaten, and abused and that it is obviously detrimental to her. But, blatantly she represents an elephant and the condition they are currently in. It's puts emphasis on the emotion of the situation and uses bold and blunt lettering to get it's point across. It is genius in that an ad like this, due to it's sex appeal, has the potential to tap into the mainstream, therefore informing a much more broad base of people that animal cruelty is wrong - Just as the cruelty to the beautiful girl is wrong.
I have looked at a few Nike ads and I must say, the majority of them have become rather absurd and offensive (not to me of course, but in general). The target audience here is most likely younger kids with an aspiration to be wild and free. The ad literally suggest to "JUST DO IT" and urinate on a wall, yet with metaphorical analysis one would see that it is suggesting that Nike is a free-spirited and care-free brand. The ad is made, I believe, by the dog; the dog gives that extra step of comedic relief to make it a unique and comical ad as opposed to a semi-humorous satire. The ad is also ratified by the deep, dull colors; this gives it's enough seriousness to not become a complete joke; it is believable and therefore serves it's purpose.
I find this ad to be quite comical and appealing. I believe that the this ad targets older musicians as well as musicians of more recent generations who are into classic rock. I can't find any literal meaning to this ad other than it potentially literally saying that if it weren't for Keith Richards they actually would have to have a surgeon general's warning. But, of course, this ad is making a reference to all of the great guitarist who played fender guitars that have passed away, with the exception of Keith Richards. It takes a couple seconds to grasp this ad, and that draws the consumer in; it allows them to absorb fender's greatness, as well as their humor. Also, the emphasis is completely on the text and the names as opposed to the product, which I find witty in that again it induces the consumer to inquire.
I never thought that I would see the day Dunkin Donuts took on a sexual persona. The target audience here, I believe, are men who enjoy attractive women and sexual references, as well as women who enjoy eating donuts (while maintaining a figure like the girl posted). Literally this ad is telling you that the girl gave in and ate the donut, and you should as well. Yet, with deeper speculation one can draw this back to psychology. The duality of our society is that we are constantly fed beauty, fashion, and perfection, yet at the same day we constantly have fatty foods pushed on us in an appealing manner. This ad is suggesting that you should (and can) give in to eating donuts and that it will have minimal repercussions... and possibly even sexual results. This ad particularly emphasizes the lips and really downplays the size of the donut. This is blatantly an attempt to seriously make the donut appear to be a small, maybe beneficial snack. The bright, exuberant colors of this ad immediately draw in the eyes and bring them around the text.
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